Tuesday, February 2, 2010

USDA Amount on Food

I realize this is a little of my normal topic but I came across a USDA webite site talking about how much a family of a certain size should spend x amount per week or month.

Here are my findings
1994 a couple of 2 in 20-40's should spend 81.70 and per month 345.30
2009 a family of 4 should spend 182.00 a week on grocery or 788.70

We are a family of 4 with 7 animals and mine isn't even close to that!

What is everyone else spending?

1 comment:

  1. I just know that a family of two with four cats and still struggling by the middle of the month. Qualifying and getting paid for a few surveys a month helps some times. This is how I try to make some of ends connect.
